Felix Zhang (TA, he/him) 👋 [email protected]
Disha Sikaria (LA, she/her) 👋 [email protected]
Please email us (cc both of us) if you have ANY questions!! 🤗
slides link: bit.ly/cs31w22_week3
credit: nikki woo+zhehui for examples
List of test cases to check for:
2 files to turn in: payment.cpp and report.docx/doc/txt
<aside> ❗ Please do NOT share your code/work with your classmates by posting on Piazza, sending via email or just letting them read it in general!
<aside> 👩🏻💻 In-person week 5 thoughts?
For loops are used for repetition.
for (*initialization; stay-in-loop-condition; prepare-for-next-iteration*) {
for (**int i = 1**; i < 5; i += 1) { //you can define int i only to exist during loop.
cout << "hi";
1 < 5
2 < 5
3 < 5
4 < 5 (4 times)
5 < 5 Fails
1. int i = 1
2. i < 5
3. outputs "hi"
4. i = i + 1 (i += 1)
5. i < 5
*initialization (*Statement 1) is executed (one time) ☝️
before the execution of the code block.
*stay-in-loop-condition (*Statement 2) defines the condition ♻️
for executing the code block.